Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Feedback #1

This is my initial feedback I have received about the pitch for my regional magazine. Each of my peers from my class have assessed my ideas for my magazine and provided praise and constructive criticism of how I can improve. Additionally, my lecturer has also made an evaluation of my opening ideas providing a healthy mixture of good and constructive feedback. With the information I have received I will make amendments to make my regional magazine stronger.

I received strong appraisal from my peers in regards to how I presented my ideas through Emaze. They felt it appeared very professional and the billboard theme also holds reference to my genre style which is entertainment. Additionally, due to the fact I also have to create a billboard as part of my ancillary task. Another notable comment include references to high quality of explanation I included about the creation of my magazine. For instance, one comment include that I included a "clear view of research" as I know exactly the style of genre I want to include, and the features/articles that will be included. Furthermore, one comment included that it was great to link back to existing magazines and the thought process behind attracting a reader.

My peers also provided constructive feedback in order to further my magazine ideas and create an overall better magazine. One noticeable lacking feature included no mention of a magazine, as of yet I am still undecided to what I want to call the magazine as a trio of music, television and film is so fresh and original that I want the name to represent this brand and ideology. One commenter felt they would have enjoyed an explanation to why my genre is entertainment. I chose this because I felt there was a gap in the market for this combination of features. There was also question's regarding the price of the magazine. I will go back and address this as I feel it is helpful to mention. As my target audience is 16-25 I will be making it free as a wide range of this audience will be students and ranked D/E in the socio-economic code.

Likewise to my peers, my lecturer complemented my identification of target audience as this is who my magazine will aim towards. I also followed the convention of including an advert as this is very standard and professional for a magazine to do so. It was also noted that included strong initial ideas of making my magazine regional, by including musicians and filming locations related to the North-East and Yorkshire. I also visually explained how I am envisioning my magazine by including relevant images that I would like to use. My lecturer also made valid points regarding how to improve my magazine. These included how often I would issue my magazine? The answer to that question would be monthly as I feel this would create a highly anticipated buzz each month. All my features would be interesting and relevant and I wouldn't just be writing about anything boring or mundane.

I will now take the advice I have received on-board and try use this information the best of my ability in order to ensure that my end product is successful and meets all the appropriate needs, specifically continuing the regional theme.

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