Thursday, 1 October 2015

Reflection: September


This will be a brief reflection on the past month of September. I am very happy with the start I have made in A2 Media Studies and I feel my blog represents that. In order to plan my time efficiently I have created a monthly planner by using Google Calendar, this is a simple way to show what I aim to do in the upcoming month. I felt like this has helped me because I always know what the next task I must complete is and by setting myself personal deadlines this motivates me to complete the work with the most time available, rather than rushing last minute. I can also input deadlines that my lecturer provides me with, this aids me by not allowing me to fall behind, or work to build up.

I am looking forward to the month of October as I feel I will be able to replicate the successes I have made in September. However, I intend to achieve a goal of at least 20 blog posts this month as I felt that was the major feature I was lacking last month, the quantity. However, the quality of work I produced in September will be the high standard I will be maintaining. 

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