Thursday, 17 December 2015
Magazine - Article Page - Draft #3
I have made a few changes for the third draft of my article page. I have repositioned the 'T' that included at the beginning of my text as I felt this was important to do so. I have include the page number, website and date at the bottom of the page so show professionalism. I have also changed the slug at the top of the page to correspond with the mastheading on the front cover as I later changed this.
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #7
I have changed the masthead colour on my contents page. This is due to the creative change I have made on my front cover. As I felt the colour no longer suited the front cover, I had to continue my house style and consistency so I made sure I changed it on every other page. I have also made a change to my sub-images and that is that I made a gap between the photos so they aren't merged into one and are clearly different. I have also include a white box to notify the reader what number the page is on.
Magazine - Front Cover - Draft #4
My front cover began to take shape during my fourth draft. This was due to me changing a lot of the font so that it looked interesting and wasn't very blocky and hard to read. I have also included highlights in key words such as 'VANT" "FREE" and "PLUS" as I felt this is what I wanted my target audience to notice first. I have included a promotional banner along the top right corner that includes the word 'WIN!' in red, this is another way of attracting my audience.
Billboard - Draft #2
For my second draft of my billboard I have changed the the strap line slightly to highlight the word you to provide an even greater chance of the reader feeling involved.
Billboard - Draft #1
This is the first draft of my billboard that I have created as part of my ancillary task. My masthead is clearly displayed at the forefront of my billboard. This is so that that readers of my magazine or the general public know what the brand is. I have included 'Out Now' in a contrasting black so that it also stands out. I have included the strap line above the masthead that includes the word your so that the audience feels directed towards. I also included the website and social media logo's at the bottom to show that it is also active online.
Targets Before December Holidays
- Make sure you have uploaded a contents page with major progress
- Make sure you upload a front cover and article page with progress made.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Magazine - Front Cover - Draft #3
As I was still unhappy with my front cover background I changed it again for draft three. I created a moody-blue sky effect as I felt this accompanied the model who is from a mystery television show and this suits the genre. I have changed headings/subheadings to white so that they contrast the new background. I have also include a '+' as this is different to just writing the word and or the symbol &. I have also wrote on my barcode that the front cover is free.
Friday, 4 December 2015
Magazine - Front Cover - Draft #2
As I felt my previous draft was unprofessional looking I have rectified a lot of changes. I have cut the model out of the studio image as I felt the lighting wasn't professional and placed her on a plain white background. I have edited the puff and repositioned it to the bottom right hand corner and added white and black to give it diversity against the red. I have added more headings but broke them up so they aren't all crammed together. I have included two sub-images that are related to my article page. I have continued the colour scheme that I created to tag music with red, television with purple and film with blue. I added a border at the top of the page to make it stand out and not blend in.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Monday, 30 November 2015
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Magazine - Front Cover - Draft #1
This is the first draft of my front cover. I have included my model positioned in the centre as this is very conventional with a sultry pose looking directly at the camera/reader. I have included a puff as this is conventional and a way to advertise something included in the magazine or intrigue the reader. Along the right hand side I have began to include my headings. I have included a barcode at the bottom along with a 'plus' feature.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #6
This is the sixth draft of my contents page. I have now been in the studio and taken the photos I need for my model. I have taken inspiration from the previous filler photo that I included as I felt that it looked professional and appealing. My model is dressed in all black as this is someone of her age who attends college dresses similarly to. I have updated the numbers of the right hand side with their respective article pages.
Targets for the Lesson - 24/11/2015
- Continue with magazine production work (contents page)
- Any additional blog work
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Targets for the Lesson - 19/11/2015
- Upload post on differences between national and regional magazines
- Continue with production work
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Magazine - Article Page - Draft #2
This is the second draft of my article page. I have since changed the main heading of this article to below the pictures as I feel the images are very dominant and should be primary focus of this article. I have included two thick lines to separate the images, the heading and the main article text. This is so that not everything get's mixed up as one big thing. I have included 'Do You Know Us?' in a highlighted blue as this is a play on of words in relation to their song 'Do You Know Me?' which is mentioned in the article. I have also included their logo style at the end of the article for some familiarity of existing fans. I have changed the blue box to a black box as I felt that this fitted the rock theme better. I have included upcoming tour dates and another sub-image to provide the article with a more complex feel.
Targets for the Lesson - 17/11/2015
- Continue magazine article draft
- Upload photo-shoot samples
Friday, 13 November 2015
Magazine - Article Page - Draft #1
This is the first draft of my article page that I have created as part of my regional, entertainment magazine. I had previously written the article that I was going to include and that is why it has already been entered. For my photos, I contacted the local band VANT who originate from County Durham and the Newcastle area if I had permission to use their photos as part of my magazine as I felt they represent exactly what my magazine is about - music (entertainment) and the regional aspect. They gave me permission to use their photos as proven by the screenshots I have included on another post. As part of my main title I have included the word VANT highlighted in red so that it is clear that this is a music article. I have included a slug at the top of the page to show continuity throughout my magazine. I have also included social media links at the end of the article as this is something that I learned from my target audience research is important to my primary audience of 16-25. I have also included a blue rectangle that I will be using to do a mini-fact file / feature on the band.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Targets for the Lesson - 12/11/2015
- Edit the structure of your article ✔
- Collect all the photo's for your article ✔
- Begin article page ✔
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Inspirations Overview
I feel that due to all the research and planning I have put into my magazine and ancillary tasks, that my products are as strong as they can be. I have made sure to cover every area possible so that I can have the greatest understanding when it comes to turning my ideas into products. I have included font ideas, masthead magazine ideas, colour scheme ideas, costume, hair, make up and prop ideas, magazine inspirations, website inspirations, billboard inspirations, facial expression research by Millum and Ferguson and WIX template ideas for my website.
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #5
This is the fifth draft of my contents page for my regional, entertainment magazine. I have now included a temporary photo of the editor that I will change once I take a professional photo in a studio. This is because I feel the current mise-en-scene of the background/setting is unprofessional as it clearly taken in a living room and not a place of work. I have included the finished editors note at the bottom of the page which has been positioned next to the photo. I have since updated the index numbers so that they aren't in chronological order as this is something which would be unconventional for an existing magazine.
Targets for the Lesson - 10/11/2015
- Create and write editor's note for contents page ✔
- Upload the editor's image ✔
- Write the article on VANT for your article page to begin next lesson ✔
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Wix Template Research
My personal favourites include all the ones with a banner going across the top or bottom as I feel that this organsises all the content that you will have on a website. 'Folk Singer Songwriter', 'Jazz Musician' and 'EPK - Musicians' all offer this feature.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Magazine Article Permission for Images
As part of my article for my regional, entertainment magazine. I have contacted indie/rock band VANT, who's lead singer Mattie Vant originates from Seaham, County Durham. As they represent the region I am writing about, I felt it were a brilliant idea to include them as a feature. I have additionally, asked for their permission to use photo's that they display on their website / social media pages. This screenshot from a Facebook conversation is evidence of this permission, therefore I will proceed legally.
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #4
This is the fourth draft of my contents page. I have added several notable changes in this draft. The first thing I have added is my sub-images that I will be using for my contents page. These are two photos that I have taken at two respective music gigs that I will include as music is a major feature of my magazine genre and will relate and be interesting to the target audience of my magazine. I have since written the mini article that I will be including in my contents page which will link to the main image situated above. I am yet to take the photo of my model so for now I have included a temporary photo that I aim to have my model positioned like. I have also included the heading which part of it is in purple so that the reader knows that this is a television article without even reading it.
Targets for the Lesson - 5/11/15
- Correct and change details that didn't match up (e.g. page no. to corresponding index no.) ✔
- Insert the sub-images chosen and edit to scale ✔
- Create text/article to support main image (add temporary main image) ✔
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #3
This is the third draft of my contents page and I have since included the location where my subheading and heading will be. This is to guide me once I have taken the photos for my magazine. I have also included where the editors note and editors picture will be. I have included the signature that the editor will also leave. I have also completed the subheadings along the right hand side.
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #2
In my second draft of my contents page I have included where the features of film, television and music will be located in a numerical format. I have since added my main four features of my magazine along side the right of the page. This includes, News, Reviews, Features and Events and their respective subheading features which I will enter during the next time of my creation process.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #1
This is the first draft of my contents page. I have so far included the masthead at the top of my page with the regional aspect of my magazine name highlighted in blue so it stands out. I have also created a colour coding system for the three main areas that my entertaiment magazine include. Music - will be tagged in red. Film - which is tagged in blue. Television - which is tagged in purple. This is all located along the left side of my contents page under an index so that my reader's can efficiently view what is included in this issue.
Targets for the Lesson - 3/11/15
- Research all the musicians, films, television shows and actors from the North East and Yorkshire to achieve a regional theme ✔
- Start producing the contents page for my magazine ✔
- Start preparing all the photo's that you will be using that aren't required from the photoshoot ✔
Monday, 2 November 2015
CREATIVE CHANGE: Advert to Double Page Spread
My initial idea was to create an advert as part of my magazine because I thought this would be something that would support my products. However, after deliberation and confirmation from my target audience, I have decided to change from an advert to a double page spread (as opposed to a single article page), this was because I found article page's where what my target audience were mostly interested in and therefore I wanted to include as much as I could and I felt this would be limiting on one single page. I now have the ability to include more text in depth and more images.
Facial Expression Research
Facial Expressions from SamWalker7991
I have researched facial expressions that are often used in magazines. Margorie Ferguson and Trevor Millum's ideas of this is exactly the conventions that magazines use. I will chose from the selection here what I will include in my magazine. I have learned that depending on the pose and how the model is positioned that this can influence and attract different type of readers.
I have researched facial expressions that are often used in magazines. Margorie Ferguson and Trevor Millum's ideas of this is exactly the conventions that magazines use. I will chose from the selection here what I will include in my magazine. I have learned that depending on the pose and how the model is positioned that this can influence and attract different type of readers.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Creative Change: Advert to Double Page Spread (Flat Plan)
I have decided to make a creative change from my original plan in creating an advert as part of my magazine. Through the research I found into my target audience, I have found that it was more important to have a detailed article with images and important information as opposed to an advert that they might not necessary like or feels relates to them in anyway.
My double page spread will now entail a main image that covers half of the right page, three sub images to accompany the image with related text surrounding the entire page. I will also include a title for my double page spread and a main headline.
My double page spread will now entail a main image that covers half of the right page, three sub images to accompany the image with related text surrounding the entire page. I will also include a title for my double page spread and a main headline.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Final Ideas For Model - Pinterest
The link below will redirect you to my Pinterest profile where I have created final ideas for my in which the way I want my model to be dressed and presented. I've had included the final make up looks, props, costume and hair styles.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Targets for October Half Term
- Research, create and upload a magazine Institution presentation ✔
- Create a final idea page with Pinterest ✔
- Research, create and upload website inspirations ✔
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Model Confirmation Email
Audience Profile
They would buy my magazine for several reasons. All the audience members are in my primary audience of 16-25 which provides me strong feedback in order to gather critical results. They are all students which is something I also aimed to target as my magazine is free. They all have strong interests in entertainment which is the main the genre of my magazine. The genre of films and tv they have mentioned are all quite dramatic and mystery based which is something I will make sure to include when I create my magazine.
Flat Plan Website
This will be my homepage for my website. The image will consist of my billboard that I will have positioned in the upper half of my page. This is a convention that I look to challenge as this is not typical of a magazine website to include. However, as the billboard content will be linked to my magazine, I feel this will be relative. The fonts I will be using are the same as my my magazine so when the audience access the website, they have an instant connection to the text. My masthead will also be clearly displayed along the top. I will also have multiple interactive features included along the far right and the bottom left, these features will include links to articles, reviews, q&a's and other online content. On the far right, I will also include a music playlist to link into my genre which is entertainment. To ensure it has the regional theme, all the artists will be from the North-East and Yorkshire. My colour scheme will be consistently used throughout my magazine and website. Therefore, I will be using cinematic colours as tones of blue, black and white. There will also be hints of red or yellow, as a way to attract the audience. As the brief includes a regional theme, my language and register will include colloquial references that people from the area will understand.
This is one of my two hyperlink pages. To show a high level of consistency throughout, several features that are illustrated on the home page will remain the same. I will include the top row of tabs in it's entirety as this shows organizations and is a conventional feature for websites. As this page will be an events page, I will be including a heading that displays the subject matter with also the three main entertainment features that consist of music, film and television. The text boxes underneath will include all the upcoming events, with the dates located additionally.
This is the second of my two hyperlink pages. This will be a music themed review page which is one of my three main areas that cover my entertainment magazine. I will try to make this page as visually appealing as possible as I feel it is appropriate to try and use a healthy balance of visual and texts to make a website as interesting as possible. All the images will be taken myself from a live music event I have attended. One image will be a long shot of an entire stage, while the other three sub images will be other related acts to the event. I will also be using a heading to inform the audience of what the event is. There will also be a review of how the event was, with opinions and facts. Sticking with a familiar layout, my features along the far right hand side and the tabs along the top will remain. I will be using the first two thirds of the website so that it appears visually appealing.
Targets for the Lesson - 22/10/2015
- Complete x3 flat plans ✔
- Upload x3 flat plans ✔
- Create and upload audience profiles ✔
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Flat Plan and Rationale - Billboard
This is the flat plan for my billboard that I will be creating for my regional, entertainment magazine. I will be creating a film billboard that I will aim to look professional and of a high quality. I have researched existing billboards such as "Les Miserables" as an inspiration. My dominant image will be of my model positioned facing straight forward in an inviting pose so that the reader feels comfortable and interested. The camera angle will be face and also a headshot. The heading will be positioned across the first two thirds of the page so that you instantly acknowledge the name of the film. I will be using a very cinematic color scheme consisting of blue, black, grey and white so that it feels conventionally visually appealing. To accommodate my regional theme, my tagline will have a very colloquial feel to it as there will be language that is popularly used in the region.
Targets for the Lesson - 13/10/2015
- Finish and upload billboard flat plan and rationale ✔
- Start x3 website flat plan (home page, x2 hyperlink pages) ✔
- Gather information for audience profile ✔
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Design Ideas
Design Ideas from ellishilton98
This slide share above shows the ideas I have collated in terms of fonts, sell lines, colour scheme and masthead names.
This slide share above shows the ideas I have collated in terms of fonts, sell lines, colour scheme and masthead names.
Targets for the Lesson - 15/10/2015
- Complete design ideas power point ✔
- Convert powerpoint to slide-share ✔
- Begin billboard flat-plan ✔
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Targets for the Lesson - 13/10/2015
- Create Photoshoot Recce ✔
- Create Photoshoot plan ✔
- Upload to Prezi's to blog. ✔
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Deconstructions Overview
With deconstructing websites, magazines and billboards, I have gathered a wide range of ideas that I will take forward and explore in the creation of my main products and ancillary tasks. I will make sure to include a structured layout that is very clear and allows my audience to clearly understand what is being shown. I will also make sure that I have a house style that is creatively pleasing and attracts an audience. I will likely go for a red, white and black theme due to this being popular across both music and film magazines as red is a bold colour.
Reader Profile
This is my reader profile with all the data I have collated from my target audience survey I gathered from
This data I have collected will allow me to know the type of things that people in my target audience of 16-25 will want to see in a regional magazine as 85% of the people who answered are in this age range. I also have an similar split in gender 45/55% which benefits me as my target gender is mixed. As I have found having regional people was important at 40%, I will definitely make sure to include this as opposed to heavily using regional language as only 10% found this to be important. I will also make sure my magazine is free as 85% of people found this too be more appropriate as most regional magazines are also free. Reviews are the type of article that most of the people surveyed found to be important with 70%. I am happy with this statistic as this is what I plan to include a lot of in my magazine, satisfying both the editor and the audience.
Targets for the Lesson - 08/10/2015
- Upload reader profile ✔
- Upload magazine inspirations ✔
- Upload colour scheme and masthead names ✔
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Regional Magazine Audience Survey
Regional Magazine Audience Survey from ellishilton98
I have surveyed 20 people, 17 of which fit into my primary audience, 3 of whom represent my secondary audience. There is a variety of male and female responses, who all share different opinions which I shall use to help me create a better suited magazine for them.
I have surveyed 20 people, 17 of which fit into my primary audience, 3 of whom represent my secondary audience. There is a variety of male and female responses, who all share different opinions which I shall use to help me create a better suited magazine for them.
Target Audience Interview
I have filmed an interview with Ellie as she is in my target audience of 16-25 year old's. She is acting as a voice of her age range, as she will typically share a similar opinion on the questions I have asked her. I have differed from my original plan of using two camera's has as I was unable to confidently use the editing software iMovie, as I have had no prior experience with a program of this degree. The camera is faced in between the interviewer and the guest, so that there is an equal balance of questions and answering. I still feel that I've acquired the perfect response needed to construct my magazine into a better direction.
Q&A Target Audience Interview Plan
Q. What kind of articles would you like to see in a regional entertainment magazine?
A. Features such as interviews and reviews of films and music.
Do you think a regional magazine should
be free?
A. Yes because most
regional magazines are.
What features would you expect to see in
a regional entertainment magazine?
A. Articles related to local musicians or films.
What do you like about this magazine
front cover?
A. The contrast of colours, the uncluttered layout and the use of images.
How often would you like to see my
magazine be issued?
A. Monthly, as this will show all the best content from the last month.
What is the main feature that stands out
on a magazine to you?
A. The cover star that is positioned in the centre of the page.
Would you rather the language used be
formal or informal?
A. Informal to the extent of using regional and colloquial language.
What would you expect a website to look
A. To include interactive features such as videos and audio clips.
How would seeing a billboard persuade
you to buy a magazine?
A. By seeing a familiar cover star with an interesting quote or heading.
A. By seeing a familiar cover star with an interesting quote or heading.
Targets for the Lesson - 06/10/2015
- Upload magazine audience survey ✔
- Upload interview questions plan ✔
- Upload interview to YouTube and Blogger ✔
Friday, 2 October 2015
Recreation - Magazine (Crack Magazine)
I chose to recreate the regional magazine Crack Magazine as this is a similar style of magazine I will be aiming to represent in terms of genre. I used DaFont to try acquire a font that is a close to the original as possible. The model I have used has been positioned in a similar pose to that of Jessie Ware from the original magazine. I set my magazine recreation into grey scale but also changing the shadows depth to mirror that of the forehead of the original.
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