Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Magazine Article Page (Double Page Spread) - Draft #4

This is the fourth draft of my article page, which I have now later changed to create a double page spread as opposed to one single page feature. The reason I decided to change my original idea was I felt my article was lacking in depth and I wanted the chance to create a longer and more interesting article that my target audience would enjoy. I also feel that a double page spread is a lot more professional and visually more appealing. Although physically different in size a lot has remained the same. I have still included my byline at the side to show constancy, the number at the bottom of the page (in addition to the number on the corresponding page), the website address and the month of the issue. The styling of my main heading/title remains the same as I felt this were professional and conventional. However, as I have added more detail to my article I also felt it were important to notify my reader different themes of each paragraph. I have included a divider which is titled 'youth' as that specific paragraph included details of the bands youth and time at home. I have also included a label on the main image that specifies where the photo was taken at. I have also included the slug at the top of the page as this is professional and conventional.

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