Thursday, 21 January 2016

Magazine - Contents Page - Draft #8

This is the eighth draft of my contents page. The noticeable changes I have made include the changing of the main photo featured. I have done this as I felt that my model was only wearing one costume and this felt quite 2-dimensional which didn't interest my audience. I have chosen another photo that my model is positioned in a similar way and offering the same friendly smile, however she is now wearing a typical coat a young person of her age would wear and a popular brand of shoes. I have also changed the font for my article text as I felt how it were previously in all capitals, felt unconventional. I have went for a softer text so that it is cleaner and easier to read. I have also changed the editor picture as the previous image was unprofessional due to the angle and the mise-en-scene. I have rectified this by taking a level, head shot of my editor.

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