Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Magazine Article Page (Double Page Spread) - Draft #6

I have made a major change in the sixth draft of my double page spread. This includes an overhaul of the font that I used as part of my article text. I felt similarly, to my contents page that it felt like the reader would be getting shouted at as the it were all in capitals. This is something after looking at my research into magazines, I found was unconventional. I have also included three sub images as I felt this added to my overall look of my double page spread. They are all in black and white as I felt this showed consistency. I have included captions so that the reader can identify what the photo shows. I also changed the strap line slightly to include VANT in the familiar font that the band uses all on their media. I have also included a standout, bold caption under one photo as I found NME who I took research inspiration from included something similar.

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